What parents need to know, when they need it

Parents-to-Parents (P2P) Is the non-prophet side of our work. P2P is a 501c3 non-profit organization that produces movies for parents of children struggling with mental illness. We’ve accomplished a lot. Check out the reel below. 


Top 10 on Amazon Prime

Over 2 million views

Over 4,000 libraries


Partnerships with national leaders

in treatment centers worldwide

featured at major universities


supporting parents saves children


Family integrity and stability is the most important predictor of a child’s health, prosperity, and life-long happiness. Because family support is so vital for children, when things go wrong in a child’s life, families are often thought to be the problem. This is sometimes true and most often false. Regardless, this assumption has caused our society to dramatically underutilize the most important support system in a child’s life: their own family. Imagine a world where families were the center of behavioral health. In this world therapists, doctors, and schools support the family. Instead of isolating children in private therapy or blaming parents for their children’s issues, parents are taught skills to support their children who may experience suicide ideation, depression, clinical anxiety, substance misuse, eating disorder, failing out of school, OCD, intrusive thinking, bipolar or a myriad of other disorders or behavioral issues or combinations. The counselors, schools, doctors all realize that the best chance these children have for long-term support and recovery is almost always by utilizing, supporting, and stabilizing their family. It’s ironic, but by blaming parents we’ve undercut our ability to help their children. At P2P, we’re changing that. We’re a collection of parents helping other parents help their children. We educate, inform, and advocate for parents so they can be more involved, get better treatments, and have happier outcomes. 


Andrew Solomon explains the history of family blame in behavioral health. 

Movies we've made for parents